
register for GeoPoll

Over the years, the GeoPoll community has grown phenomenally to over 5 million active users across the world – yep, 5 million people that take surveys and complete other tasks from GeoPoll! You may be wondering how to register to become part of the GeoPoll community, so, we will take you through in a few easy steps.

Download the GeoPoll App:

Whereas there are other ways users receive surveys, such as SMS and phone calls, the App is your best option: you will get access to a variety of tasks, and it gives you more options to have fun, and earn cash while at it. The GeoPoll App is available in the Google Play Store. It’s a small App that uses little data, so don’t worry about the memory and data cost. 🙂

Grant App Permissions

Depending on your Operating System, when you open your App for the first time or when you need to do certain things, it may request a couple of permissions. Grant them, to get the maximum benefit from GeoPoll. Some of them are:

  • Notifications/run at startup – so you can receive notifications for new tasks. Note that many tasks are time-bound and speed is important, so make sure to turn on your alerts!
  • Location – so you can receive only the tasks that are relevant to you, in your country/location.
  • Camera – you can be able to take part in photography tasks such as Billboard Photography.
  • Contacts – we pay for successful friend invites and so, you may need to send your contacts the invite link/code.
  • Storage – so you can save files that may be relevant for certain tasks such as photography

We guarantee you that any access you give the App will only be used for the intended purpose. Your security is our priority and we don’t share your personally identifiable information with anyone.

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Register your Account

1. Enter your correct phone number in the format specified. You will receive a text message with a code to verify that it’s correct.

Why is this important? Your phone number is basically your Geopoll user ID. It is your phone number that will be chosen to take part in surveys and it is through your phone number that you will receive your airtime credit or mobile money (such as M-Pesa). You may also receive SMS surveys through your phone number. Again, we guarantee you that we will hold your privacy in utmost confidence and will not use or share it for any other purpose.

2. Choose a password only you can remember using the format specified.

3. Confirm that you are of age. The standard age to register for GeoPoll is 18+, although this may change depending on the country.

4. Agree to terms of use and the privacy policy.

5. If you were referred by a friend, this is where you enter your promo code so that your friend can get paid for the referral when you register for GeoPoll successfully.

It’s at the next step that you will enter the confirmation code received via SMS. If you don’t receive the confirmation code right away, wait a few minutes to see if it comes through. If it still hasn’t come through please contact us via support.

Take your First Survey

After you have verified your phone number, you will be taken on a short (promise!) App tour to understand the App better, and the opportunities. Then you will land on the Home page. This will be your main page going forward.

Immediately after, you will receive your first survey. Fill it and have a feel of the famed GeoPoll surveys! It’s after completing this simple survey – and other, even simpler surveys – that you will now be qualified to be receiving relevant GeoPoll surveys. Because we will have known you better.

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Simple, right? Start now by downloading the GeoPoll App.Â