
Using the daily data collected through Kantar-GeoPoll Media Measurement, GeoPoll has analyzed the top TV stations in Kenya and top TV stations in Tanzania for Q4 2015. We examined both TV ratings* and share** for the top stations in Kenya and Tanzania. To view more detailed data, filter results by demographics, and plan ad spend based on KGMM’s audience measurement data in Africa please contact us.

The below chart shows the average ratings from October 1st – December 31st 2015 for the top stations during prime time from 19:00 to 22:00.


Citizen maintains the highest ratings throughout prime time followed by KTN then NTV. NTV ratings are highest at 19:00 and 21:00, when the Swahili and English news shows are aired respectively. KTN has its highest average rating at 21:00 each evening.

The highest overall ratings recorded are at 19:00, 20:30 and 21:00 on Citizen Television. These times correspond with Citizen News’ airing of Swahili news at 19:00 and English news airing at 21:00 on Citizen.

GeoPoll also examined average share over the entire quarter. As found in Q3 and previously, Citizen had the highest share in Q4 with an average share of 44.2%. KTN and NTV rank second and third respectively. Full results are below:


The below chart shows the average ratings from October 1st – December 31st 2015 for the top stations during prime time from 19:00 to 22:00.


As demonstrated in the chart, on average ITV records the highest ratings on prime time followed by Clouds TV. This is consistent from 19:00 to 22:00. ITV sees its largest viewership spike at 20:00 to 21:00, with ratings above 6.0. Clouds TV has its highest average ratings at 19:30 and 21:00 – 22:00, when it records ratings around 3.0.

EATV comes in third in the ratings consistently throughout prime time, except for at 21:00 when Star TV eclipses EATV’s ratings with an average rating of 2.8.

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ITV was also the leader by audience share from October – December 2015, with an average share of 23.4%. This is an increase of 3.5% from Q3.  Clouds has the second highest audience share at 19.9%, while EATV, TV1, and Star all have audience shares between 10 – 15%.  The full results are below:


To use KGMM data to analyze station performance, target audiences, and plan ad spend, contact us about subscribing to our daily data set.  KGMM overnight ratings data is available 24/7 via an interactive dashboard that includes media planning and post-campaign evaluation tools.


*Rating is the proportion watching a station out of the total sample at that time, multiplied by 100. If 50 people out of 500 surveyed watched Station X, the rating for Station X would be (50/500)*100) = 10. In Uganda, GeoPoll’s Media Measurement Panel includes a sample of over 500 respondents for every time period.

**Share is the proportion watching Station X, out of all those watching at that time. This is equal to the proportion watching a station during a given time divided by the total number watching at that time.