Quality Controls

GeoPoll's rigorous quality control processes combine automated and manual checks to ensure that data is scientifically valid and reliable.

At GeoPoll, quality is not a buzzword. It is at the core of everything we do and we are committed to delivering accurate, reliable, and actionable insights that power important decisions for communities, customers, and the world. Our comprehensive process ensures the highest standards at every step of the data collection journey. From survey design to data validation and analysis, we employ a systematic approach to ensure accuracy, integrity, and representativeness.

Quality controls at every step

Pre Project

- Questionnaire testing
- Verification of translations
- Interviewer training
- Pilot interviews
- Respondent verification

Data Collection

- Call recording
- Quota Management
- Real-time data validity checks

Data Processing

- Automated & manual data control checks
- Data comparison
- Quality dashboards
- Data sanity checks


- Clarity & usability assurance
- Correct format
- Editing & proofchecking - Feedback incorporation


- Internal post evaluation
- Client feedback
- Documentation of learnings

Quality Control Processes

GeoPoll’s rigorous quality control processes combine automated and manual checks to ensure that data are scientifically valid and reliable.

Automated Data Quality Checks

GeoPoll's platform employs automated data quality checks, intelligently verifying response ranges while flagging unusual patterns such as straightlining or satisficing. This ensures the integrity of your data, providing you with accurate and reliable insights for informed decision-making.

Quality Control Dashboard

GeoPoll’s Quality Control Dashboard provides a visual representation of survey performance metrics, enabling GeoPoll and our clients to track both survey and individual interviewer performance for CATI and CAPI surveys. We track metrics including completed interviews per day, refusal rates, ineligible rates, and length of interviews, among other statistics.

Manual Data Quality Checks

Before data is delivered to a client, GeoPoll performs manual data cleaning and quality control checks including removing duplicates, identifying outliers, removing nonsense answers, categorizing open-ended answers, and ensuring all answers are coded properly.

Interviewer Training

For CATI and CAPI surveys, all interviewers go through an extensive, project-specific training which includes graded practice interviews, answering difficult respondent questions, and more.

Call Recordings

For CATI, GeoPoll’s Interviewer Application records calls automatically and GeoPoll’s team reviews a percentage of all calls made per project. GeoPoll’s platform also automatically listens to call recordings and flags those with long pauses or little noise for manual review.

Quota Management

We have established an automated quota management system directly integrated into the GeoPoll platform and quality control tools monitor, verify, validate, and manage quotas to ensure that our research captures such a representative sample that it is impossible to obtain manually.

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